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Brand new sessions launching for Extra Time Hubs

Writer: Charlotte ClaudiusCharlotte Claudius

After a long year with limited face-to-face delivery and virtual sessions, we are pleased to be introducing some new sessions under our Extra Time Hubs banner.

During May, alongside the relaunch of Move the Goalposts and Walk & Talk on Wednesdays, we introduced our Photography session to Thursday afternoons.

This session runs from 1pm – 2:30pm every Thursday, at Tilgate Park meeting in front of Smith & Western. This session much like the Walk & Talk session is designed for participants to meet face-to-face after a long period of isolation.

Within each session, participants are given a theme to follow to provide ideas of what to take photos of. We are eventually hoping to introduce workshops and even editing sessions to assist participants in learning the most about Photography.

On Monday 7th June, we will be launching a virtual Book Club from 12pm -1pm every Monday, which will be starting the sessions on Zoom, with hopes to eventually set up weekly meetings within community spaces. We will be asking participants to bring along any book recommendations, talk about their favourite book and potentially focus on a genre or theme.

Additionally, Loneliness Awareness Week is just around the corner, and we have some exciting activities planned throughout the week commencing 12th June.

For this week we have added some one-off sessions commencing 14th June and we will have an additional Walk & Talk session on Monday 1pm – 2:30pm at the Mill Pond Mill, meeting in the carpark opposite the Gossops Green doctor’s surgery.

On Wednesday 16th at Move the Goalposts, we will be extending the session so it runs from 2:30pm to 4pm where we will run some tournaments on the ballcourt.

The final activity of the week is on Thursday 17th June, this is a national EFL Extra Time Hubs event taking place on zoom. Participants will have the opportunity to meet like-minded people for a virtual quiz & coffee morning.

To find out more about Extra Time Hubs sessions our safe return to play go to our website, or sign up

For more up to date information, follow our social media to keep up to date with all our programmes daily:

Facebook: Crawley Town Community Foundation

Twitter: @CrawleyTownCF

Instagram: @CrawleyTownCF

Youtube: Crawley Town Community Foundation



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